Scientific name: Thymus vulgaris
Common name: Thyme
General description: A perennial plant with varieties coming from the Mediterranean region, namely southern Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa, it was used by several ancient civilizations for its aroma and antiseptic properties. The Egyptians used it for embalming, and the Greeks used it to burn as incense in temples, considering it a source of courage.
Until the first antibiotics appeared, it was often a disinfectant in their essential oil form.
Nutritional facts: Rich in vitamins A and C, the minerals potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
Climate: Tolerant to low and high temperatures, may only have difficulty in humid climates. Needs a lot of light, and several hours of direct sun per day.
Soil: Well-drained, light, and preferably fertile, although it can grow even in poorer soils.
Watering: Young need soil slightly moist. When well developed, can let the soil dry superficially between waterings.
Associations: It is a good companion to Cabbages as it keeps the cabbage butterfly caterpillar and also aphids away.
Harvest time: 60 to 90 days after planting.